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I agree to abide by the following regulations regarding the use of this permit: *Parking in a loading zone is for 30 minutes only *Applicant is an Emory employee or affiliate with Emory *Permit is approved by special application and must be renewed annually *Permit is valid only when displayed in conjunction with a valid Emory Parking Permit *Official Business Permit must be displayed on the rearview mirror behind the Emory Parking Permit when parked in an eligible space and conducting business. ****Please reference the back of the Official Business permit for additional guidance.
Emory University Parking Rules and Regulations Acknowledgment I understand that I am responsible for obtaining and familiarizing myself with Emory's Parking Rules & Regulations, and by submitting this form, I agree to abide by them. I agree to abide by established regulations regarding any commute subsidies that I receive by registering in a Smart Commute Program. I also understand that I am responsible for any fines or fees associated with this permit or the vehicle to which it is attached, and that non-payment of any fines or fees could result in immobilization or towing of my vehicle and/or deactivation of my permit.